Thursday, October 8, 2009

Notice that the filthy rich's haul peaked right before the Crash of '29, and was at its lowest from the 50s to the 70s, when America was number one, had the best economy, and had great standards of living overall.  When Reagan took over, the rich got their revenge, and they have been consolidating their hold on the rewards of society ever since.  Now, when their haul gets back up to its late 20s peak, there is another crash -- again engineered by their shenanigans.

Maybe this graph shows in visual form that what is good for the rich is not necessarily good for society?  That a more equitable division of the rewards of economic activity is far superior.

The rich fight for what is ours.  Obama talks "change" and they go into a frenzy, whipping up the rabble against him.  He's not even walking the walk.  He's a false prophet of change.  It just shows how scared they are of someone dedicated to fighting for the lower classes, who can unite those lower classes behind him to fight for their interests.  May that person come.  May he come.

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