Sunday, January 17, 2010

Should Evolution Still Be Taught In School?

Darwin was wrong.  Science was wrong.  It was with some pleasure that I read about epigenetics in Time Magazine.  Now, I'm certain the reporter got several key points completely wrong, because reporters always do, but clearly this discovery is somewhat embarrassing for the Evolution believers.  Don't get me wrong -- I'm no Creationist.  I simply know that Evolution is scarcely less an issue of Faith.  What I love is seeing Science forced to admit that it has been Wrong for so many years about something so fundamental to its theory of creation.  I like seeing hubris shot down wherever it is found.

But Darwin was wrong and I was right.  I have theorized for some time that genes change over the course of a life and that the genes passed on at one point would be different than those passed on at another point.  Things like cancer and mutations were what I looked at.

The most disturbing aspect of this discovery is the effect it will have on the potential for increased social control.  The idea that today's decision can directly effect generations of descendants is going to increase the temptation for the Controllers to criminalize a lot of activities.  Not to mention the power to turn on and off our genes selectively.  Yeah, great, we can use this discovery to cure a lot of diseases and further purify the human race.  Our Master Race will be so beautiful and polite, perfect and athletic.  Everybody will be athletes and dancers, singers and artists, creating the earthly Nirvana thanks to Pharmakon and Epigenetech.

While the other billions starve because the Combots drive them off the good land and away from the valuable resources.  You know, those who can't afford designer babies and Domestic Robots.

So, now that Evolution has proven to be fallible theory and not Incontrovertible Fact, should it still be taught in school?

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