Monday, February 1, 2010

The mind of Jefferson Junior has conceived another creative project.  That sentence was just a convoluted way of not beginning this entry with "I".  This project would further the legalization agenda.  I have two creative priorities - legalization of marijuana and promoting the revolution.  The nonviolent revolution.  The revolution through election.  OK, anyway, paranoia served, I can now get to the point.

My new creative endeavor is a nonfiction book tentatively titled "The 1973 Nixon Commission: An Opportunity Lost."  For those who don't know, in 1972 President Nixon empaneled a blue ribbon commission to study marihuana (sic) and make policy recommendations.  This panel was made up of heavyweight experts of unimpeachable credentials.  The panel did what such panels tend to do: it took its mission seriously and delved into the issue.  The panel then did what such panels should not do if they want their recommendations to be followed: it surprised Nixon by recommending legalization.  The panel was not supposed to do that.  It was supposed to lend intellectual legitimacy to Nixon's intended crackdown on drugs.  As soon as its report was issued, Nixon set about discrediting it.

I would like to tell this story in detail.  I want to put it in the historical context of independent policy studies of marijuana, which have tended nearly unanimously to recommend legalization.  Studies of scientific literature have tended to discredit the hyped risks and harms and find the drug to be relatively benign and even of some promising potential uses.  American policy toward the drug is somewhat mystifying intellectually when viewed from the perspective of such studies.

Anyway, that is my idea.  I think I will pursue it.  Just another thing on my plate.  My plate overfloweth. That is ok, I am happiest in those circumstances.  I like having too much to do.  I just need to manage my time.  I need to give enough hours to the law practice to keep that going, then devote my other hours to my various demands.

I have such a thirst for knowledge.  I want to learn so many things.  I would love to spend hours every day reading and researching.  Then other hours writing.  Alas, stretches of hours for doing those things are rare.

There are not enough photographs on this blog right now.

"Columbus Vindicated"

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