Sunday, February 28, 2010

Surprise, surprise, do not avert your eyes.  There is nothing to see here but can you turn away?  Fascination claims you.

OK, that was nonsensical, but it came off the fingertips.  Today is the last day of February.  Tomorrow is March.  A boundary line will be crossed.

Here at Grace House we are trying to put together a new way of life for ourselves.  We are trying to break free from the corporate economy and create our own.  We are trying to link into the Local economy, trying to be part of this movement the truth of which, and the right of which, I have only recently come to grasp.  It is our salvation.  We began our compost heap yesterday.  Today we will plant our first seeds.  Tomorrow we will begin making our own paper.  We will produce for our needs, and produce surplus for exchange.  We are living communally.  We are attempting to govern ourselves and resolve conflicts through communication and consensus decision-making.  It is about being the change you want.  It is about taking care of ourselves and each other.

I'm not sure how well it will go, as none of us is an experienced grower.  But we will give it a go.  I just know I don't want to be dependent on supermarkets and transnational corporations for my food.  And I don't want to live as an atomized individual anymore.  I want to be interdependent upon the people around me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well that experiment was a miserable failure.